Cable Prep Spotlights Adaptive Tool Design with Whimsical Video

Marking its preeminent reputation for the engineering and manufacturing of top-of-the-line tools for telecommunications professionals, Cable Prep has introduced a short, animated video along with a variation of its corporate logo, based on the theme: “Transforming the Tools of the Industry.”

The “Pixar-styled” video introduces illustrated versions of some of Cable Prep’s most popular tools, which in turn move in unique, zoomorphic ways to form a line-up, before all are transformed into individual characters of the Cable Prep logo.

While the video presents itself as a bit of fun, Cable Prep owner, Deborah Morrow, notes that there is a broader theme underlying it. “For many years we have been designing new tools – and reconfiguring existing tools – to respond to changing technologies, a changing marketplace, and the needs of technicians who rely on them for quality and reliability. Adaptivity is an ongoing priority for us.”

Cable Prep Spotlights Adaptive Tool Design with Whimsical Video

Marking its preeminent reputation for the engineering and manufacturing of top-of-the-line tools for telecommunications professionals, Cable Prep has introduced a short, animated video along with a variation of its corporate logo, based on the theme: “Transforming the Tools of the Industry.”

The “Pixar-styled” video introduces illustrated versions of some of Cable Prep’s most popular tools, which in turn move in unique, zoomorphic ways to form a line-up, before all are transformed into individual characters of the Cable Prep logo.

While the video presents itself as a bit of fun, Cable Prep owner, Deborah Morrow, notes that there is a broader theme underlying it. “For many years we have been designing new tools – and reconfiguring existing tools – to respond to changing technologies, a changing marketplace, and the needs of technicians who rely on them for quality and reliability. Adaptivity is an ongoing priority for us.”


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